Sunday, May 21, 2006
Limited budget
Savings can be seen on all software around this time and it’s a great time to buy your software as many of the products are marked down at this time of year. Did you know that if you have kids at school, or your studying or not going to use the software for commercial purposes you are eligible for Academic prices on software. Windows XP professional upgrade can be bought for under 100 bucks. My is this? Well in all honesty its to cut down the number of machines in Australia running non legitimate copies of XP. Currently 25% of all XP installs in Australia are not complying with the end user licence agreement or are pirated copies.
But the good news is that once you have a legitimate copy of windows xp you can then utilize Open Source windows software to get you out of trouble. Open Office provides you with a free office suite capable of opening and editing PowerPoint, Word and Excel files. The Gimp is a package with the power of photoshop for free.
I know I harp on about open source a lot but really it’s the solution to someone who has a budget which is limited.
Web Browser – Client - Suite - Package - Burning - Sharing - Client - Message Client - PABX Clients - Client - spam - Player - download copier -
But the good news is that once you have a legitimate copy of windows xp you can then utilize Open Source windows software to get you out of trouble. Open Office provides you with a free office suite capable of opening and editing PowerPoint, Word and Excel files. The Gimp is a package with the power of photoshop for free.
I know I harp on about open source a lot but really it’s the solution to someone who has a budget which is limited.
Web Browser – Client - Suite - Package - Burning - Sharing - Client - Message Client - PABX Clients - Client - spam - Player - download copier -
Spyware issues.
Peter -each time lately I have logged onto the net I have received a message from Microsoft Internet Explorer regarding a vuneralbility to Mytob virus and suggest I download a " free" program NOW. when I go into the area I get confused - then its trial only etc etc.
I already have Norton antivirus which I update every few weeks the last update was last week.
These message frighten me - should I be concerned???
What you have is called spyware or Malware and its really a pain in the arse, I suggest downloading the following program it seems to kick the spyware threats for a six.
I suggest this program in conjunction with a microsoft program called windows defender
What ever you do, never touch a program that is recommended to you by a windows pop up especially when it wants you download it to clear the virus.
I already have Norton antivirus which I update every few weeks the last update was last week.
These message frighten me - should I be concerned???
What you have is called spyware or Malware and its really a pain in the arse, I suggest downloading the following program it seems to kick the spyware threats for a six.
I suggest this program in conjunction with a microsoft program called windows defender
What ever you do, never touch a program that is recommended to you by a windows pop up especially when it wants you download it to clear the virus.
Why use the internet to listen to something available on digital
My husband listens to ABC Dig Jazz on the internet and our ISP charges for downloads and its been running our DSL account costs up what can we do? Jean.
Hi Jean,
OK firstly I suggest changing the ADSL plan your on so hubby can listen to internet radio. However, for the second option I suggest buying a standard definition set top box from your local electronics shop I bought one recently for as low as 70 dollars. The set top box gets ABC TV and ABC 2 plus SBS and other stations if they are broadcasting. But the big draw is the digital radio stations available such as ABC Dig and ABC Dig Jazz on two CD quality channels and SBS radio 1 and 2 again at CD audio quality. Also Austar and Foxtel on their radio services now broadcast all the ABC channels including the two previously mentioned DIG channels and news radio which is not available in all regional areas. To find out more have a look at which explains more about digital television
Hi Jean,
OK firstly I suggest changing the ADSL plan your on so hubby can listen to internet radio. However, for the second option I suggest buying a standard definition set top box from your local electronics shop I bought one recently for as low as 70 dollars. The set top box gets ABC TV and ABC 2 plus SBS and other stations if they are broadcasting. But the big draw is the digital radio stations available such as ABC Dig and ABC Dig Jazz on two CD quality channels and SBS radio 1 and 2 again at CD audio quality. Also Austar and Foxtel on their radio services now broadcast all the ABC channels including the two previously mentioned DIG channels and news radio which is not available in all regional areas. To find out more have a look at which explains more about digital television
Hi Peter, How does Bluetooth work?? John in Nambucca.
Hi John,
Bluetooth is a type of wireless networking that takes connecting computer devices to the next level by removing the need for user intervention and keeping transmission power extremely low.
Bluetooth is essentially a networking standard that works at two levels:
It provides agreement at the physical level -- Bluetooth is a radio frequency standard.
It provides agreement at the protocol level, where products have to agree on when bits are sent, how many will be sent at a time, and how the parties in a conversation can be sure that the message received is the same as the message sent.
The big plus of Bluetooth is that it is wireless, inexpensive and extremely automatic. However, this plus is also a downfall as many malware writers have created viruses that can be automatically transferred between phones unless the phone is has its security turned on. I work in a busy night club and last night I left my blue tooth on my phone turned on but allowed it to prompt me before allowing access a quick scan and in a room which holds 250 people and was at capacity I received 180 requests for connection to my phone.
Bluetooth has two standards, the older Bluetooth 1.0 standard has a maximum transfer speed of 1 megabit per second (Mbps), while Bluetooth 2.0 can manage up to 3 Mbps. Bluetooth 2.0 is backward compatible with 1.0 devices.
Bluetooth networking transmits data via low-power radio waves a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz) This frequency band has been set aside by international agreement for the use of industrial, scientific and medical devices (ISM).
When Bluetooth-capable devices come within range of one another, electronic chatter takes place to negotiate and determine if they have data to share or whether one needs to control the other. This electronic chatter happens automatically unless the user has set that manual intervention is required.. Once the chatter has occurred, the Bluetooth devices -- whether they're part of a computer system, a camera, a mobile phone or even an audio device form a network. Bluetooth systems create a personal-area network (PAN), or piconet, that may fill a room or may encompass no more distance than that between the cell phone on a belt-clip and the headset on your head. Once a piconet is established, the members randomly hop frequencies in unison so they stay in touch with one another and avoid other piconets that may be operating in the same room.
More information can be found on
Hi John,
Bluetooth is a type of wireless networking that takes connecting computer devices to the next level by removing the need for user intervention and keeping transmission power extremely low.
Bluetooth is essentially a networking standard that works at two levels:
It provides agreement at the physical level -- Bluetooth is a radio frequency standard.
It provides agreement at the protocol level, where products have to agree on when bits are sent, how many will be sent at a time, and how the parties in a conversation can be sure that the message received is the same as the message sent.
The big plus of Bluetooth is that it is wireless, inexpensive and extremely automatic. However, this plus is also a downfall as many malware writers have created viruses that can be automatically transferred between phones unless the phone is has its security turned on. I work in a busy night club and last night I left my blue tooth on my phone turned on but allowed it to prompt me before allowing access a quick scan and in a room which holds 250 people and was at capacity I received 180 requests for connection to my phone.
Bluetooth has two standards, the older Bluetooth 1.0 standard has a maximum transfer speed of 1 megabit per second (Mbps), while Bluetooth 2.0 can manage up to 3 Mbps. Bluetooth 2.0 is backward compatible with 1.0 devices.
Bluetooth networking transmits data via low-power radio waves a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz) This frequency band has been set aside by international agreement for the use of industrial, scientific and medical devices (ISM).
When Bluetooth-capable devices come within range of one another, electronic chatter takes place to negotiate and determine if they have data to share or whether one needs to control the other. This electronic chatter happens automatically unless the user has set that manual intervention is required.. Once the chatter has occurred, the Bluetooth devices -- whether they're part of a computer system, a camera, a mobile phone or even an audio device form a network. Bluetooth systems create a personal-area network (PAN), or piconet, that may fill a room or may encompass no more distance than that between the cell phone on a belt-clip and the headset on your head. Once a piconet is established, the members randomly hop frequencies in unison so they stay in touch with one another and avoid other piconets that may be operating in the same room.
More information can be found on