Monday, March 20, 2006


Spyware menace

I would appreciate if you could help us with a message that flashes on to our computer screen constanly with a message "Your computer is infected, windows has detected Spyware infection ...........Click here to proctrect your computer from spyware.

On clicking into the box it proceeded to download a spyware program which I did not continue with.

As I have Norton installed I checked the status which indicated that installed programs are working correctly.

Could you please advise the best way to delete this message.

Regards John & Julia (Adlington)

Hi John,

Yes you have a piece of spyware on your machine trying to sell you of all things a antispyare cleaner. don't buy their one as it isn't likely to clean much off you machine but clean some of credit card balance. I suggest you need to look at adaware and spybot to clean it off otherwise you may need to buy a professional spyware cleaner from pctools.

adaware and spyware are free from

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