Monday, March 20, 2006


Need a UPS

Listener question from the this mornings Mid North Coast session was on power protection. Now unfortunately not being able to go into brand names made it a little difficult to answer on air other than telling the listener he needs a UPS.

UPS is short for uninterruptible power supply, a power supply that includes a battery to maintain power in the event of a power outage. Typically, a UPS keeps a computer running for several minutes after a power outage, enabling you to save data that is in RAM and shut down the computer gracefully. Many UPSs now offer a software component that enables you to automate backup and shut down procedures in case there's a power failure while you're away from the computer.

There are two basic types of UPS systems: standby power systems (SPSs) and on-line UPS systems. An SPS monitors the power line and switches to battery power as soon as it detects a problem. The switch to battery, however, can require several milliseconds, during which time the computer is not receiving any power. Standby Power Systems are sometimes called Line-interactive UPSes.

An on-line UPS avoids these momentary power lapses by constantly providing power from its own inverter, even when the power line is functioning properly. In general, on-line UPSs are much more expensive than SPSs. However, the good news with these UPS devices is that they filter the power and make sure the power is kept at a constant level.

A UPS can also have surge production which also filters the power levels on both the mains or the telephone lines. Many users have installed internet 56k modems and these being connected directly to the mainboard expose the computer to a potentially disastrous when a power spikes hits the phone line.

I use two brands of UPS in my own network, these are Powerware and Sola I find them very easy to use and reasonably priced. Please note I am sure there are other brands out there that are just as good these are just the two I have used.

I also use a Fortron Power surge protector they are great as they offer a warranty that pays out if there product didn’t save your items plugs into it.


Thanks for the info on UPS - I now have one powerware 3105 installed and running well - just intime for a power outage as Kurangi substation is being updated. - thanks again - will keep watching and listening.
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